We have recently become aware of a letter sent out to Diamond Resorts International (DRI) clients with maintenance fee demands for 2017/18.

The letter warns DRI owners to be aware of claims companies. The content of the letter is merely a scaremongering exercise to deter owners from terminating their memberships with DRI.

The letter makes unsupported claims about claims companies cold-calling DRI members.  Praetorian Legal never cold call clients and never have done. We are fully transparent and compliant under the Data Protection Act 1998 and we abide by the eight principles of data protection.

We are authorised and regulated by the Claims Management Regulator, namely the Ministry of Justice, and, as such, we are prohibited from any form of cold-calling activity.  As many of our clients will already know, the majority of our work now comes from our internet or social media campaigns. Our campaigns are fully auditable and opt in information is provided on every client, as is required by the regulator.

Furthermore, DRI go on to advise members to contact them in order to obtain advice before engaging with claims management companies.  It is ironic that they should proffer such advice, when it is DRI who have been responsible for the mis-selling of their products, putting members into the position they now find themselves in.  The question is: why would owners put any trust in any advice DRI now have to offer them?  DRI simply want the chance to engage with their members in an attempt to avoid members terminating their agreements. This kind of approach towards clients is contemptuous and is unheard of in other service industries.

It should be noted that only last week DRI have announced the closure of many of their sales centres across Europe.  This should send a message out to owners: if the DRI products were sustainable, why would they be disbanding their sales operations?  The truth of the matter is that their products are not sustainable and they are suffering losses as a consequence of members becoming aware of the service offered by Praetorian Legal.  The end point for fractional points is still some years away and the promise of a return on monies paid for the DRI product is an unknown quantity, but the ongoing fees associated with the products are a reality now and for the foreseeable future.


DRI champion the services of the Timeshare Business Check service, powered by the RDO funded Kwik Chex company.  It should be acknowledged that DRI fund the RDO and Kwik Chex and they were also significant contributors to the timeshare organisation known as TATOC. TATOC came to grief earlier this year for making similar claims about a paralegal company who took them to task in the High Court and TATOC lost.  The result was that TATOC was put into administration, where it was discovered that it was a worthless organisation with no assets or money, yet TATOC was lauded as an authoritative timeshare champion.  Like the whole timeshare industry, DRI, in league with the RDO and Kwik Chex, operate for their own ends, with a common goal to keep this unsustainable industry in business, whilst members continue to pay ever-increasing maintenance fees well into the future.

The fact is Praetorian Legal have now been trading since the 14 November 2014. We have developed a timeshare termination product which gives members peace of mind.  We continually support our clients year after year and make regular contact with our clients to reassure them.  Contrary to reports from the timeshare industry about our services, our viability speaks for itself. We are financially stable, as is evident from our latest accounts lodged at Companies House. We continue to grow both financially and in brand.

We have recently been in consultation with Trading Standards and we asked them to produce any complaints lodged with them relating to Praetorian Legal.  We received confirmation in writing from the Trading Standards that they have no complaints to investigate or to provide to us.  Praetorian Legal have over 4,000 clients with approximately 1,750 of those currently active and not one formal written complaint about our service.

If you want to obtain an DRI termination via a reliable company who manage and exceed our client’s expectations then please contact us at: enquiries@praetorianlegal.com Or telephone us on: 0121 272 3100 or come and talk to us and see our operation for yourself.

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