The team at Praetorian Legal were treated to a fun packed team night out. The owners of the company, Gary Smith and Karen Hasker-Smith, treated the team to a meal and Karaoke.

The night began at Rub Smokehouse in Birmingham City Centre. Cocktails flowed, along with one of Gary’s favourite tipples: Mother’s Ruin – a good old Gin & Tonic.

We all tucked into delicious beef brisket, monstrous burgers and waffles; who would have thought that waffles would go so well with beef & pulled pork. Simply scrumptious!

With a belly full of food, we then carried on to a karaoke bar, where a private room was hired. Being in a private room meant that we could let loose with our singing talents!

Here at Praetorian, there is a strong focus on Securing a positive and happy internal culture. Gary understands that the team focus and work hard throughout the year.

Gary stated “The team work hard for me all year round. It is so humbling to see how much they enjoyed themselves on Friday. I hope that we can do many more exciting things for them in 2018. I like to ensure that we have a positive and happy environment in the work place. Each and every member of the team is an amazing asset to my business”.

Team nights are an amazing boost for team bonding and morale. Not only do Praetorian organise events such as these, we also have dress down Friday’s to raise money for charity.

We now look forward to our team Christmas party in December.

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