
Praetorian Legal have recently become aware of unfavorable online comments that have been proliferated by the timeshare industry and its envious competitors.  We want to address these unsubstantiated, untruthful, defamatory comments made about our organisation.

The background to Praetorian Legal’s work within timeshare is a good starting point in understanding why we are subject to these sustained attacks.  Praetorian legal was incorporated on 14 November 2014 after being consulted by an organisation that offered timeshare termination services and was looking to outsource the work to a company who specialised in consumer law matters.  The Directors of Praetorian Legal have practiced … Read more

The team at Praetorian Legal were treated to a fun packed team night out. The owners of the company, Gary Smith and Karen Hasker-Smith, treated the team to a meal and Karaoke.

The night began at Rub Smokehouse in Birmingham City Centre. Cocktails flowed, along with one of Gary’s favourite tipples: Mother’s Ruin – a good old Gin & Tonic.

We all tucked into delicious beef brisket, monstrous burgers and waffles; who would have thought that waffles would go so well with beef & pulled pork. Simply scrumptious!

With a belly full of food, we then carried on to a … Read more