Praetorian Legal are now authorised and regulated by the Ministry of justice

Who they are :
* one of the largest government departments, employing around 70,040 people (including those in the Probation Service), with a budget of approximately £9 billion.
* Each year, millions of people use our services across the UK – including at 500 courts and tribunals, and 133 prisons in England and Wales.
They work to protect and promote the interests of consumers and the public, and to ensure that the firms they regulate understand and comply with the conditions of their authorisation.

Claims Management Regulator
They are a unit of the Ministry of Justice and regulate the companies that offer a service for people hoping to claim recompense for:
* personal injury
* mis-sold financial products and services
* employment and redundancy
* criminal injury
* industrial injury
* housing disrepair

Within England and Wales, they are responsible for:
* licensing firms and individuals to provide claims management services
* taking action when a regulated firm breaks the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules
* carrying out regulatory and criminal investigations
* providing guidance and advice to consumers, organisations and regulated firms
* leading policy reform for the claims management regulatory system
* increasing consumers’ awareness of the charges firms can make
*dealing with unauthorised companies offering claims management services

Why is this important?
*Directors of the company have passed stringent vetting and scrutiny
*Demonstrates that Praetorian Legal is a reliable company
*Reassurance in an elusive industry

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