Here at Praetorian Legal we like to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of our employees on a regular basis with our Employee of the Month award.

The winner for September 2017 is Louise Parks our HR Director & Company Secretary.

Head of Operations and Business Development Director, Harry Darby presented the trophy to Louise who is hoisting it for the third time this year.

Louise and Harry are still in talks about her prize as Louise is undecided on whether to spend the prize on shopping vouchers (we all know Louise loves to shop!) or to book a meal in a nice restaurant.

When asked how she felt Louise said “I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunities that I have here at Praetorian. I have never worked for such a kind and caring company.

The senior management team go to every effort to ensure that we have an pleasant working environment. I would like to thank Harry and the Company owners for their generosity and kindness.

I have learnt so much already and I am looking forward to many more years of working with the business.”

When asked for his thoughts on Louise’s achievement, Harry said “Louise is always the first one into the office and she is the last one to leave, she does this consistently.

At Praetorian Legal we reward our team members who exceed the company’s expectations and for Louise, her performance in September certainly exceeded the company’s expectations. Enjoy your prize I am sure you will enjoy a good shop with your vouchers.”

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