Praetorian Legal have the pleasure of helping over 6,500 clients terminate their timeshare burdens, which often have caused years of financial hardship and stress. It is extremely rewarding to be able to help so many people, who more often than not have been through some thoroughly harrowing experiences.

Being able to provide these clients with a resolution and a successful claim is why we endeavour so hard to help owners navigate their way out of the Timeshare trap.

We have the pleasure of sharing with you yet another successful claim for compensation for one of our clients who has received a settlement of £16,950.

Our client in question purchased their timeshare with Diamond Resorts back in 2004 and had 10 years of holidays with the resort. They experienced many difficulties during these 10 years with the resort but the last straw came when the couple discovered that their Timeshare and all the related debts would be passed onto their children once they passed away. The couple were horrified to discover this as they knew their children would not want to be oppressed with this debt and the ever increasing maintenance fees associated with it. They approached Diamond with an intention to terminating the contract but instead were informed that the only way to get out of their original contract and not passing it onto their children was to transfer onto a fractional ownership based holiday product which would end after a fifteen year period.

However they soon discovered that the fractional ownership was not as advertised and Diamond resorts were not fulfilling their obligations. Our clients found it incredibly difficult to book holiday’s at the resorts they wanted to visit and during the dates they wanted to holiday. This happened on multiple occasions and to add further insult, the promise of more exotic holidays never materialised. They were specifically told that through an associated company, Interval International, they would be able to exchange their fractional ownership points and visit a different resort. When our clients tried to do this they were given an array of excuses, including, booking too early or booking too late they were never offered an alternative.

In 2014 our clients were called out of the blue by Diamond Resorts who had a fantastic offer of a free week in a luxurious resort. The couple were already planning a holiday and welcomed the free accommodation, they would finally be seeing some of the benefits of being a Diamond Resorts member. Unfortunately for our clients, shortly before they were about to leave for their vacation they were informed that there were in fact conditions to this free week and they would have to attend yet another meeting.

On the third day of their holiday the couple attended a meeting and were told how they could exit their Diamond Resorts membership and claim back all of the money they had paid back to Diamond all those years ago for their initial purchase. They were told how for a fee they would enjoy other benefits, like discounted holidays, cheap flights and a unique holiday concierge service. None of this happened, the company in question were attempting to pass themselves off as being affiliated with Diamond in some way to provide some authenticity to their con. Our clients paid £17,000 to this company for a product which was mis-sold to them, none of the services they promised were provided and they simply pocketed the money.

Thankfully, today our clients have been able to re-claim this money and no-longer have the burden of their Diamond Timeshare and the astronomical maintenance fees.

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