A husband and wife from San Diego, USA, are suing Westgate Towers, an Orlando timeshare resort, claiming fraudulent practice.

Mr and Mrs Grider lodged a complaint on November 6th, claiming that the company breached its responsibilities of fair dealing and good faith.

The complaint states that on January 6th 2016, the couple attended a timeshare sales presentation. The couple were lured into a purchase by misrepresentations made by Westgate Resorts. As a result, they have suffered monetary losses, by way of the initial deposit, instalments and annual maintenance fees.

Two of the allegations made are that Westgate misrepresented the type and scope of the benefits offered, with the intention of inducing the claimants to make the purchase.

The couple also claim that Westgate sold the timeshare as an investment opportunity and they were lead to believe that, in time, this would increase in value. They were also advised that the prospects for resale and rental were substantial and they would make a return on their purchase.

The Griders are taking legal action for damages in excess of $15,000, an injunction and the cost of legal fees.

If you believe you may have been subjected to mis-selling, contact us on 0121 272 3100 to speak to one of our team today.

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