
Unfortunately, timeshare owners not only suffer because they are mainly mis-sold in the first place but often desperate owners wanting to offload them are targeted again by fraudsters looking to take advantage of their situation. Timeshare scams are extremely common and cause a lot of distress to victims who can lose thousands at the hands of unscrupulous companies. It then leaves owners out of pocket and wondering where to turn to next and who to trust.

Over in the Unites States timeshare scams are extremely common and officials do not seem to be able to stop the stream of scammers … Read more

If you like the many other millions of timeshare owners have been forced to re-think your timeshare due to the pandemic, you are not alone. Many timeshare owners have lost their jobs and are no longer in a position where they can justify paying large maintenance fee bills and loan repayments on timeshares. With mounting bills and financial worries people are looking to get rid of their timeshares and be free from paying ever rising maintenance fees. So, what are your options when you are desperate to get rid of a timeshare?

You could put it up for sale: This … Read more

Detectives investigating the murder of notorious timeshare fraudster John ‘Goldfinger’ Palmer, have appealed again for information.

John Palmer was murdered before he could face a multi-million fraud trial in Spain. He was due to be a ‘Key defendant’, but now the trial has concluded, police are Republishing the appeal. They hope that now the trial is over, and ended with several individuals facing lengthy prison sentences, ‘changing loyalties’ could mean some individuals in the criminal underworld would be willing to come forward with information. Detectives said that the timing of the criminal charges in relation to the Spanish trial has … Read more

Further to our previous correspondence, you will no doubt be aware that it has now been announced that the Spanish branch of Club La Costa (UK) Plc has been placed into liquidation. This includes all of the Spanish companies owned and operated by CLC.

Given the way that the timeshare industry works, it is likely that assorted companies will seek to contact you to try and obtain money from you. Before that happens, we would like to set-out the correct position. At this stage, we are taking advice from senior Counsel about the effect of the liquidation. Until we have … Read more

A judge in the U.S has ruled against one of the biggest timeshare big despite their reiterated attacks on the timeshare termination attorney.

A federal Judge in the U.S has ruled in favour of timeshare exit attorney Mitchell Reed Sussman. The resort had been accusing the firm of falsely advertising timeshare exit services, a tactic that most large resorts have been employing of late.

Following a battle in the courts, the judge ruled in favour of the firm, stating the resorts accusations were without merit and the firm were acting within the law and any statements they made on their … Read more

If you like the millions of other timeshare owners across the world, find themselves in the position where you feel stuck by your timeshare and desperately want to find a way out, then there are some important things to consider before you start your journey to economically unburdening yourself from a timeshare contract.

Has your timeshare become unaffordable, or perhaps you have been hit, like the millions of others, with financial strain due to the Covid-19 pandemic? For the majority of people life is changing all the time and we don’t always find ourselves in the exact same position we … Read more

Timeshare workers mobilized in Honolulu to demand a better contract and better job protection for workers at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

Hundreds of workers and community allies gathered Friday to show strength and solidarity as Hilton Hawaiian Village workers prepare for another round of contract negotiations with the company. The rally also included workers from The Modern Honolulu who are protesting the layoff of 78 workers as owner, Diamond Resorts, seeks to convert the hotel into a timeshare.

Union members who work at Hilton Hawaiian Village are demanding a new contract that will put the workers on par with … Read more

Disney Vacation Club has announced that sales for the newest resort are now open exclusively for Disney Vacation Club members until April 15 2019. After this date, sales will be open to the general public. Disney’s Riviera Resort is the 15th Disney vacation Club property.

The Riviera Resort is said to be one of Disney’s finest to date, with Luxurious accommodation offering around 300 family friendly vacation homes. Disney’s Riviera Resort will include deluxe studios. One and two bedroom villas, grand villas, that sleep up to 12 guests each and ‘Tower Studios’ to add a unique twist for guests. … Read more

The State of Tennessee, U.S. has warned residents to be on alert if they own a timeshare. The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance say’s there is a big problem with people being scammed in their State and timeshares ranked amongst its highest complaint category.

While most victims are owners trying to sell their timeshares, the department also receives high numbers of complaints from buyers. They say these include high pressure sales tactics and Distortions about their contracts.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an independent agency of the United States government, its principal mission is the promotion of … Read more

The Australian government is looking into whether timeshare companies should be allowed to continue paying sales agents’ commissions on their sales.

The government want to review the quality of advice given to consumers during timeshare presentations. They also want to eliminate bad practice in the timeshare industry, including lengthy, poor value contracts, high pressure sales tactics which end in consumers taking out unaffordable loans.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority receives over 170 complaints a year from timeshare owners. They say complaints are centred around the mis-selling of timeshare, where sales staff have failed to disclose cooling off rights, failure to … Read more