If you are a timeshare owner of Petchey Leisure now Leisure Dimensions Limited that incorporate MGM, Muthu Hotels and Club Infiniti, and are being harassed by their collections department then you MUST report this activity to your local Police Authority. Leisure Dimensions Limited are a UK based company and therefore a complaint to the Police Authority on the basis of harassment will be dealt with seriously. The procedure for reporting harassment is quite involved and specific therefore please contact us before making any complaint of harassment to obtain expert guidance.

All Praetorian Legal clients are properly represented and we have made our clients’ case to Leisure Dimensions Limited and stopped all maintenance fees being paid to them. Leisure Dimensions will not take action here the UK following Petchey Leisure’s failed attempt to bring 12 timeshare legal actions in the Manchester County Court in 2011 via their appointed representatives who had no right of audience before the court due to the fact that they were debt collectors Kings Ransom, typical timeshare resorts, clueless. All 12 cases were purportedly Safeguarded by Linder Myers Solicitors, Manchester. Linder Myers made an application to strike out all claims on jurisdictional grounds and were successful and were awarded costs of the application to strike out. Suffice to say Petchey Leisure nor their new owners have ever revisited their day in Manchester County Court and we are convinced, they never will again.

Hence the reason why our clients must report this nuisance contact to the Police and the sooner, the better. Some of these maintenance demands are well over 18 months old now, if they were going to take action or where seriously considering it they would have prepared and served formal proceedings by now. We have assured our clients that these calls and threats by Leisure Dimensions are merely idle threats and desperate attempts to get money by trying to take the ‘line of least resistance’, you the timeshare owners.

We have never received one single response from Leisure Dimensions, just silence but they appear to try and Scare our clients by continuing to contact them direct. Most of our clients are npw wise to this and just ignore them or copy the correspondence to ourselves and we file it and await Leisure Dimension’s court proceedings but yes, you’ve guessed it they never arrive.

If you are being harassed by Leisure Dimensions and you own ex-Petchey Leisure, Club Infiniti points or any other Leisure Dimension product then contact us now and be maintenance fee free immediately. We provide full legal indemnity against any timeshare resort taking legal action against you if you stop paying your legal fees.

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