The trial of Francis Madden, Claire Garland, Keith Furneval and Jean Furneval begins with prosecutors claiming that the four fraudulently obtained hundreds of thousands of pounds from unsuspecting customers wishing to purchase holiday products, over a period of around five years.

The four were charged in July 2017 in connection with the alleged fraud. The trial by Jury is scheduled to last six weeks.

Jean Furneval is charged with participating in a fraudulent business carried out by a sole trader and carrying on the business of a company with intent to defraud creditors or for other purposes, between August 2011 and September 2014.

Keith Furneval is accused of carrying on the business of company named Glenleigh LTD, with intent to defraud, by offering free weekends in return for attending a presentation, taking advance fees for housing which were not refunded, selling holiday club memberships with no discernible value and requesting additional fees to administer credit.

Both Claire Garland and Francis Madden are charged with participating in a fraudulent business, three counts of carrying on the business of a company with intent to defraud creditors of for other fraudulent purpose, between May 2012 and September 2014. The companies involved are Central Marketing LTD, Glenleigh LTD and Reco Corp LTD. The pair are also facing seven counts of being a trader and failing to draw the provisions to the attention of a consumer, seven counts of accepting consideration from a consumer before the end of the withdrawal period, concealing, disguising, converting, transferring or removing criminal property.

The trial is expected to last up to six weeks, whilst the jury hear the details of the alleged fraud.

The mis-selling of holiday products is, unfortunately, common practice within the holiday industry and these type of crimes often go unreported by the most vulnerable in our society and criminal principles are few and far between.

If you have purchased a Lifestyle / Concierge Service, a Timeshare or a ‘Holiday Points’ based product from a resort or company and feel unhappy with the service, or feel you have been Mis-Sold this product, please get in touch with us to discuss how we may be able to help you with a possible Money Back Claim.

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