
A timeshare exit company has been permanently barred from operating and ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars back to customers it conned.

Owners Steven Martin did not show up in court when the ruling was made, however the judgement ruled against him and his company who were found to be charging clients exuberant fees for so called timeshare exit services.

The company first came to the attention of officials several years ago and in 2017 The Better Business Bureau issued a warning against the company as they had received hundreds of complaints from customers across the United States … Read more

The Better Business Bureau in the U.S is warning timeshare owners that a so-called exit company is running an Immoral operation and victims are losing thousands of dollars.

The Better Business Bureau is the UK equivalent of Trading Standards in The United States and rates businesses by performance and trustworthiness. For those looking to use a reputable company, they can search the Better Business Bureau and learn if they are rated and how highly or not. Equally the organisation lists companies that do not act in the interests of their customers and scores them accordingly. In addition, the bureau also … Read more

A scammer who targeted vulnerable timeshare owners Urgent to offload their burdens, stole the identity of a lawyer from Florida to make his scam appear legitimate.

The scammer would call people who had placed ads to sell their timeshares and tell them their property could be sold if they forwarded closing costs to the lawyer, David Eaton, the Tampa Bay Times reports. Eaton, a former prosecutor and now an estate planning lawyer, learned of the scam several years ago when he got a call from the Florida Bar, according to the article. A woman had complained that she sent money … Read more

As the Covid-19 Pandemic continues into 2021, there seems to be little hope that any of us may get to go abroad this year. Even with the successful rate of vaccinations we have been seeing the new government restrictions being voted on by MPs on Monday may mean holidaying abroad is banned altogether, or at least until the European rates are under control again. However long this may take it seems likely most of us will be booking a staycation this summer.

Travel is now limited due to coronavirus and travelling abroad could mean a £5,000 fine if you do … Read more

The Better Business Bureau is alert residents of Missouri to be careful when looking to exit their timeshare contracts.

Desperate timeshare owners, looking to get out of their lengthy expensive contracts are falling victim to rogue timeshare exit companies, throughout Missouri the Better Business Bureau is claiming.

One family who discovered this for themselves, took their story to a local news channel to warn others facing the same problem. Thirty years ago, a local family and their three children purchased a timeshare in Sedona. The fees started off just $38 a year but eventually increased to a whopping $3,700 annually.… Read more

A federal judge in Florida has ruled in favour of a law firm that was being sued by timeshare resort Club Exploria LLC. Club Exploria bought the suit, claiming the law firm’s advertising was Deceptive and that their customers could get out of contracts and not pay their fees if they did not want to or could no longer afford it. The firm was representing over 20 Club Exploria members in assisting them in legal extradition from their timeshares they no longer wanted or used.

The suit has been going on for over two years and was a clear attempt … Read more

Would you or have you ever been persuaded in attending a timeshare sales presentation in exchange for a free gift or holiday?

If you have ever entered your details into a competition to win a free holiday or been neared by a sales agent in Tenerife or Spain (or any other timeshare hotspot for that matter) there is a very good chance you have come across a timeshare sales agent. They may have handed you a free scratch card and miraculously you won a prize or perhaps they offered free tickets to a tourist attraction. Whichever it is chances are … Read more

If you like the many other millions of timeshare owners have been forced to re-think your timeshare due to the pandemic, you are not alone. Many timeshare owners have lost their jobs and are no longer in a position where they can justify paying large maintenance fee bills and loan repayments on timeshares. With mounting bills and financial worries people are looking to get rid of their timeshares and be free from paying ever rising maintenance fees. So, what are your options when you are desperate to get rid of a timeshare?

You could put it up for sale: This … Read more

The team here at Praetorian Legal have been enjoying some great success recently due to the hard work put in by our timeshare experts. Making a claim against a timeshare resorts is not an easy task and sometimes can take a longer than it should, mainly due to obstructive resorts, but worst of all it can be a stressful process to go through for anyone wanting an end to the whole ordeal, especially if they have been mis-sold in a deceptive and financially taxing way.

This has been the case for many of our clients who purchased at Silverpoint resorts … Read more

The Australian government is looking into whether timeshare companies should be allowed to continue paying sales agents’ commissions on their sales.

The government want to review the quality of advice given to consumers during timeshare presentations. They also want to eliminate bad practice in the timeshare industry, including lengthy, poor value contracts, high pressure sales tactics which end in consumers taking out unaffordable loans.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority receives over 170 complaints a year from timeshare owners. They say complaints are centred around the mis-selling of timeshare, where sales staff have failed to disclose cooling off rights, failure to … Read more