It is a common problem when buying goods or services to find that they are not delivered/provided or that they don’t match what was advertised. For many, they put this down to experience and shoulder the cost, buying the same thing again and hoping for better.

What many people don’t know is that there are protections, which enable customers to recover their payments, when a purchase is made by credit card.

Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 allows customers who have made a full, or part, purchase of a product or service to recover the payment from their credit card provider. This applies to purchases between £100 and £30,000.

There are a great many consumer associations and media experts who are encouraging customers to instigate Section 75 claims themselves, in the hope that the credit card companies will simply pay out, with little or no fight. These are tremendous sentiments, but they do match the reality of the situation for many customers and their experiences with the credit card companies.

In order to bring a successful section 75 claim, a customer must be in a position to prove one of two things: firstly, evidence that the provider of the goods or service misrepresented the product or service; or, secondly, evidence that they breached their contract with you. If you have a reasonable Understanding of the law, experience of such claims and the evidence to support your claim, there is no reason as to why you cannot succeed.

However, credit card companies are not in business to make things easy for customers. In the same way that insurance companies have a reticence to paying out claims, credit card companies are no different. They will use every tool available to them to reject your claim.

We are of the view that it is better to have something rather than nothing.

Praetorian Legal has a background of assisting customers with bringing claims under section 75 and have used that experience to anticipate the requirements of each individual credit card company, so that each and every claim has the best possible prospect of success.

If you have purchased a product or service and believe that you have reason to make a claim, then please get in touch with us on 0121 272 3100, and allow us to share the burden and assist you in righting the wrong which you have suffered.

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